Festival of the Spoken Nerd: Are You Sci-Curious?

Live Comedy: Festival of the Spoken Nerd @ Forest Arts Centre, New Milton, February 1, 2013 [Sorry I’m late with this] Festival of the Spoken Nerd (FOTSN) are made up of physics graduate and songstress Helen Arney, physics graduate and… Continue Reading

Lincoln vs Seal Team Six – a fight to the death

Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln and Kathryn Bigelow’s Zero Dark Thirty (ZDT) were both released this week in the UK, are both serious Oscar contenders clocking in at around 2.5 hours, and were both seen by me and my S.O. on Saturday,… Continue Reading

Does Tarantino Re-Establish Himself at the Top Table with Django Unchained?

Before we go anywhere else with this review, let me just say that I’m not going to wade in on any of the ‘controversy’ over the depiction of slavery in this film. As a white, middle-class Englishman I don’t really… Continue Reading