Welcome to Benjamin Hendy’s Website!
Benjamin Hendy is the author of How To Fill A Black Hole, the first book in the Marianna Voyages series of children’s novels. He will also be the author the other books in the series, but he can’t claim that yet as he hasn’t written them. He currently has… ZERO …pets.
How To Fill A Black Hole will be published in September by Milliways Books. If you go there now you can see the fantastic cover designed by Gary Frost, download the first 3 chapters for FREE (just to get you hooked) or just stand back in wide-eyed appreciation.
This website is a work in progress. Please bear that in mind before unleashing your vitriol.
You can like me, the author (not the person inside, just the author) by clicking the Facebook like button below. Or by thinking to yourself, you know what, that Benjamin Hendy guy, he seems like a good author. But clicking the button would make it official:
And now you can like this website too. On Facebook. You can just engage some kind of emotion to just like it, but what value is that, when you’ve not shared it with all your social networking friends? Come on, stop being lazy and click the button below.
Oh, and there’s also a Tumblr to read now. It’s called I’m Not Buying That and it’s about rubbish advertising.