Monsters University
Monsters, Inc. is one of the most beloved Pixar animation films, but it is a long time since it came out. Twelve years, in fact. Pixar have shown they can do sequels to their standout films, with Toy Story 2… Continue Reading
Monsters, Inc. is one of the most beloved Pixar animation films, but it is a long time since it came out. Twelve years, in fact. Pixar have shown they can do sequels to their standout films, with Toy Story 2… Continue Reading
My friends and I have a long standing joke (pilfered from elsewhere) about not seeing sequels if we’ve not seen the originals for fear of not understanding the film. It is always applied to ridiculous fare such as the Fast… Continue Reading
A very quick review here – something you may have to get used to. They can’t all be 2,000 word essays like the Django one after all. I can hear you say woohoo. Anyway, brief outline. Wreck-It Ralph is a… Continue Reading
So the big news this week for anyone interested in film or the world of the geek has been the sale of Lucasfilm to Disney for a staggering $4bn, Lucasfilm being George Lucas’ company and home to Star Wars and… Continue Reading